7:20-7:50 Morning Duty
7:50-11:05 Classes
11:05-12:20 Lunch/Prep
12:20-12:50 6th Grade RTI
12:50-2:00 Conference
2:00-2:30 6th Grade RTI
2:30-2P50 CICO and Conference Time
2:50-3:00 Afternoon Duty
3:00-4:00 Choir
:20-7:50 Morning Duty
7:50-11:05 Classes
11:05-12:20 Lunch/Prep
12:20-12:50 6th Grade RTI
12:50-1:10 Conference ime
1:10-1:55 Ckass
2:00-2:30 6th Grade RTI
2:30-2P50 CICO and Conference Time
2:50-3:00 Afternoon Duty
3:00-4:00 Choir
:20-7:50 Morning Duty
7:50-11:05 Classes
11:05-12:20 Lunch/Prep
12:20-12:50 6th Grade RTI
12:50-2:00 Conference
2:00-2:30 6th Grade RTI
2:30-2P50 CICO and Conference Time
2:50-3:00 Afternoon Duty
:20-7:50 Morning Duty
7:50-11:05 Classes
11:05-11L30 Lunch Duty
11:30-11:50 Lunch
111:55 -12:20 Lunch Duty
12:20-12:50 6th Grade RTI
12:50-2:00 Conference
2:00-2:30 6th Grade RTI
2:30-2P50 CICO and Conference Time
2:50-3:00 Afternoon Duty
:20-7:50 Morning Duty
7:50-11:05 Classes
11:05-11:30 Lunch
11:30-12:20 Lunch Duty
12:20-12:50 6th Grade RTI
12:50-2:00 Conference
2:00-2:30 6th Grade RTI
2:30-2P50 CICO and Conference Time
2:50-3:00 Afternoon Duty